Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rock'n them dirty locks

I just want to say for the record that I hate grad school apps. I hate personal statements. I hate writing samples. I hate compressing and uploading file after file. I just want to watch Finding Bigfoot and stuff my face. Is that too much to ask? I blame the grad school process for my fatness and constant slovenly appearance. With the amount of work that I have to do, my standard of cleanliness has definitely suffered.
          My poor dirty head of hair. I mean the first 2 days, it’s all good but it’s when you hit day 3 that things really start to go downhill and you can no longer wear your hair down and still have it pass as clean. This is when you are forced to throw your hair up in a “cute” messy bun (or at least you’re telling yourself its cute), and you dare someone to make a comment about it. Day 4 of not washing your hair rolls around and people start to question your health. When people start asking if you feel okay then you know the jig is up. You have to bight the built and just wash your damn hair, which some people may not realize is an hour long commitment when all the washing, brushing and blow-drying is said and done. As if life wasn't exhausting enough, I have to commit to an hour long process just to have clean hair? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
         The best part of this whole dirty hair issue is, when you finally lather up the old mop top and dry and fix it, you feel like a million bucks. You strut around feeling like a goddess. No, better than a goddess. You feel like a goddess who is wearing a brand new pair of panties. You feel unstoppable.
I must admit, I am on day 4 and I’m kind of hating myself. The only thing keeping me going is the thought of how amazing I will feel after I wash my hair tonight. But that is still several hours away and right now I am just that sad dirty haired girl at Starbucks who clearly has had too much caffeine and not enough sleep.  However, I don’t care. I am completely committed to getting myself into grad school no matter what it takes. Right now I have to get another personal statement knocked out no matter how gross I feel.
             There has been several occasions when I felt like giving these grad school apps the middle finger and just giving up but I know that one day I will be happy that I did this. Sometimes you just have to hold your dirty haired head up high and keep on trucking and know that the hard work will pay off in the long run. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Go ahead. Cry over spilled milk.

What’s that? Where do I find the time to work, apply to grad school, maintain my incredible physique and beauty (yeah right), AND write a blog? Well the truth is there is a lot of crying for no reason. Sometimes I like to have a good old power cry in the car after work before I go home to a hardy and delicious bowl of Progresso Light Soup. Then there is the classic “the world is caving in on me so I am going to sit dramatically in the shower and ugly cry while the water hits me in the face” cry (oh if my shower could talk…). And finally, you have everyone’s favorite, the ever awkward mirror cry, where you just stand in your mirror and watch yourself cry, in turn making yourself cry more because of how pathetic and awful you look. Now you may be reading this thinking, “Man, this chick is all kinds of unstable.” However, I feel like this is a totally and completely acceptable practice, a healthy release if you will. I feel like crying uncontrollably for no reason is like alcohol consumption, as long as it doesn't interfere with your daily responsibilities, then you don’t have a problem. When you regularly release all those pesky unwanted emotions it allows you to maintain a balance of sorts. When life gives you lemons and nothing is going your way, hold it together, take a deep breath, and know that when you finally pull into your drive way from a long day at work, you are going to have a nice violent cry. You will then wipe away your snot and tears and with it all the crappy crap that the universe saw fit to dump on you that day, and you will feel better, ready to face all the crappy crap that awaits you the very next day. I am an advocate of crying for no reason; however I recognize it’s not for everyone. All I am saying is you should try it before you knock it.

A wise lady once said,” It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.” So remember, sometimes it’s ok to cry for no reason, it is totally normal. So go ahead, cry over spilled milk, just make sure no one can see you.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Choo Choo all aboard!

I have decided to hop on the Trendy Train and get a blog. Will this whole blog business be worth the effort? Maybe. Will I be any good at this thing called blogging? Probably not. I am willing to chance it in hopes that it will be somewhat therapeutic, helping me to put things in perspective when I am complaining about how terrible my life is. Plus, when I get older I plan on being an even bigger deal than I already am right now; might as well try and record my life on the way up to the big times so that it will be easier to write my memoirs when the time comes.

I have to tell you that this blog is completely for my benefit. If I happen to make someone laugh, or brighten their day with my sad and sometimes comical misfortunes then great, but know that you will see many grammatical errors and embarrassing misspellings. If this is a pet peeve of yours then read no more. Also, this blog will most likely be somewhat like Seinfeld; this blog has no point, it is a blog about nothing. If you are looking for awesome fashion & DIY tips, delicious & fast recipes under 100 calories, or heartwarming stories and life lessons, this is not the blog that you are going to find them in. This is mostly going to be about a lower middle class “Generation Y” kid b*tching  about how shockingly disappointing and anticlimactic the real world has been for me thus far, and my thoughts and observations about the world around me on my quest for something more. You have been warned. Please write down all critiques and constructive criticisms and shove them where the sun don’t shine. If I wanted to hear what you thought then I would read your blog.

Hopefully by sharing my many mistakes and random thoughts I will learn a little something about myself and, if I am lucky, come to appreciate this great adventure called life.